
The Genesis of Genetics

The Genesis of Genetics The first humans on Earth must have pondered upon the observation that children resembled their parents more than other members of their population. But unfortunately, we do not have record of their ideas as to why this occurred. Hippocrates and Aristotle were obviously extensively thoughtful about this fact that they developed theories to explain resemblance among relatives. The story of genetics begins long before the term was coined. Ancient civilizations, including the Greeks and Romans, noticed that traits could be passed down from parents to offspring. However, they lacked the scientific framework to explain these observations. The true genesis of genetics awaited the advent of modern science. Genetics as we know today, based on the "gene theory of inheritance", began with the work of Gregor Johann Mendel who is appropriately called the "father of genetics". His precedent-setting experiments with garden peas, published

13 More Breeds Added to The List

India, as is known for its biodiversity, is also a megadiverse nation in terms of livestock with a total of about 536 million livestock population at present. In 2007, recognizing the need for an authentic national documentation system of valuable sovereign animal genetic resource,  Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)  has initiated a mechanism for “Registration of Animal Germplasm” by giving temporary authority to  National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) , Karnal. Subsequently, in 2008, ICAR constituted a  Breed Registration Committee (BRC)  under the chairmanship of Deputy Director General (Animal Science), ICAR and having members from  National Biodiversity Authority (NBA)  and  Dept. of Animal Husbandry Dairying & Fisheries, Govt. of India  for registration of new breeds. This mechanism is the sole recognised process for registration of livestock and poultry breeds at the national level. Since then, ICAR-NBAGR has registered numbers of indigenous breeds